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The Connection Between Mental Health and the Immune System

Can Mental Health Affect Immune System Function?

Do you find yourself getting sick more than your friends or family? Does it always seem like you’re both mentally and physically down and out? Are you tired of feeling sick and tired?

If so, you may be wondering if mental health affects the immune system.

The connection between mental health and the immune system is still being studied, but evidence continues to suggest that there is a link between the two.

Understanding the connection is the first step. Knowing what you can do to support both your mental health and your immune system could help you get back to feeling healthy and happy again.

Table of Contents

Woman sitting and blowing her nose.

Understanding the Potential Link Between Mental Health and the Immune System

Mental health and the immune system are linked, and one affects the other. Mental health may affect the immune system, and the immune system may affect mental health.

The connection between mental health and the immune system supports the idea of a holistic approach to health.

Treating mental health or immune system triggers in isolation may not produce lasting health benefits. There are many other factors to consider, so it’s important to consider each factor as part of the entire health picture.

If you have concerns about your mental health or immune system, it's recommended to consult with qualified healthcare professionals who can provide personalized advice and guidance.

Does the Immune System Affect Mental Health?

There is a growing body of evidence suggesting that the immune system may have an impact on mental health.

The connection between the immune system and mental health is often referred to as the "immunopsychiatry" or "immunopsychology" field, and it highlights the complex interactions between the immune system, inflammation, and the brain.

Several studies have found associations between immune system dysregulation, inflammation, and various mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, and even schizophrenia.

Here are a few key points to consider:

  • Inflammation and mood disorders: Chronic inflammation, often measured by elevated levels of inflammatory markers in the blood (such as C-reactive protein or cytokines), has been linked to an increased risk of developing mood disorders like depression. Inflammatory processes in the body may affect neurotransmitter systems and brain structures involved in mood regulation.

  • Stress and immune function: Chronic stress may lead to immune system dysregulation, potentially increasing the risk of mental health disorders. Stress hormones like cortisol may influence immune responses, and long-term stress may contribute to chronic inflammation.

  • Microbiome-gut-brain axis: The gut microbiome plays a crucial role in both immune function and mental health. Communication between the gut and the brain, known as the gut-brain axis, involves immune signaling molecules and may influence mood and behavior. Imbalances in the gut microbiome have been associated with conditions like depression and anxiety.

  • Autoimmune disorders and mental health: Autoimmune disorders, where the immune system attacks the body's own tissues, have been linked to an increased risk of mental health conditions. For instance, conditions like lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and multiple sclerosis are associated with a higher likelihood of depression and anxiety.

While there is a growing understanding of the links between the immune system and mental health, the exact mechanisms are complex and still being studied.

Mental health is influenced by a combination of genetic, environmental, and physiological factors. Not everyone with immune system dysregulation will develop mental health issues, and not all mental health conditions are directly related to immune system activity.

Does Mental Health Affect the Immune System?

Yes, there is a bidirectional relationship between mental health and the immune system. Just as the immune system may impact mental health, mental health may also influence immune system function.

Here's how mental health may affect the immune system:

  • Stress and immune function: Psychological stress, especially chronic stress, may have a significant impact on the immune system. Stress activates the body's "fight or flight" response, leading to the release of stress hormones like cortisol. While cortisol helps the body manage short-term stress, chronic elevation of cortisol levels due to ongoing stress may suppress immune function. This may make the body more vulnerable to infections and reduce the body's ability to respond effectively to pathogens.

  • Psychoneuroimmunology: Psychoneuroimmunology is the study of the interactions between the nervous system, the endocrine system (hormones), and the immune system. It explores how psychological factors, such as mood, emotions, and mental states, may influence immune responses. Positive emotions and a healthy mental state are generally associated with better immune function, while negative emotions like chronic stress, anxiety, and depression may impair immune responses.

  • Depression and immune dysregulation: Depression has been linked to immune system dysregulation, including increased levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines. These cytokines are molecules that play a role in inflammation and immune responses. Elevated cytokine levels are associated with chronic inflammation, which may have negative effects on various bodily systems, including the immune system.

  • Mood and healing: Positive emotional states and social support have been shown to have a positive impact on healing and recovery from illness or surgery. The psychological state of a person may influence the body's ability to mount an effective immune response and support the healing process.

  • Mind-body interventions: Practices like meditation, mindfulness, and relaxation techniques have been found to have potential benefits for immune function. These practices may help reduce stress and promote a more balanced immune response.

The relationship between mental health and the immune system is complex and can vary from person to person.

While there is evidence to support these connections, they are not the sole factors influencing immune function. Genetics, lifestyle, nutrition, and environmental factors also play significant roles.

A woman with her arms crossed over her chest in a loving way.

How Does Mental Health Affect the Immune System? A Look at the Science

Mental health may impact the immune system by altering stress hormone levels, immune cell activity, and inflammation.

Conditions like stress, anxiety, and depression may weaken immune responses, making individuals more susceptible to infections and potentially affecting overall health.


Mental health issues like stress, anxiety, and depression may lead to increased inflammation in the body. This inflammation is linked to changes in hormone levels, immune system function, and behaviors, contributing to health problems.

Conversely, chronic inflammation may also impact mental health by affecting brain function and exacerbating symptoms of conditions like depression. The relationship is complex and bidirectional.


Mental health conditions, especially chronic stress, anxiety, and depression, may lead to elevated cortisol levels. Cortisol is a stress hormone released in response to perceived threats.

Prolonged high cortisol levels due to ongoing mental distress may disrupt various bodily systems and contribute to health issues.


Mental health may impact lymphocytes, which are immune cells crucial for fighting infections. Conditions like chronic stress and depression may alter lymphocyte function and distribution, weakening the immune response and potentially increasing susceptibility to illnesses.


Mental health conditions like stress, anxiety, and depression may lead to changes in the immune system's functioning. These changes might result in an overactive immune response or alterations in immune cell activity, potentially exacerbating allergic reactions.

Researchers are still trying to find the link between mental health and allergies, but it is believed that people with allergies are at a higher risk of developing mental illness and vice versa. For example:

  1. Elevated levels of stress hormones like cortisol may trigger inflammation, amplifying the body's response to allergens.

  2. Stress and emotional factors may trigger the release of histamine, a chemical involved in allergic reactions, which may lead to increased sensitivity to allergens and heightened allergic symptoms.

  3. Poor mental health may lead to unhealthy behaviors like poor sleep, inadequate nutrition, and decreased physical activity. These behaviors may weaken the body's defenses and exacerbate allergic responses.

6 Ways To Boost Mental Health and Function of Your Immune System

Sometimes, one of the best approaches to improving both your mental health and immune system function is through holistic approaches. Nearly everyone can benefit from incorporating the following practices into their daily lives.

However, you should always speak to a medical professional if you think you’re suffering from mental illness or a weakened immune system.

An image of a sunset over water inside of a silhouette of a woman's head from the side.

#1: Be Active

Physical activity has been linked to improved mood and enhanced immune function. Aim for regular moderate exercise, which can help reduce stress, boost mood through the release of endorphins, and support immune cell activity.

Here are a few ways you can incorporate physical activity into your day:

  • Walking

  • Lifting weights

  • Swimming

  • Jogging

  • Yoga

  • Pilates

  • Cycling

  • Golf

  • Dancing

#2: Eat Healthy

A nutritious diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats supports both mental health and immune function.

Nutrients that may be particularly important for immune health include:

  • Vitamin C

  • Vitamin D

  • Zinc; and

  • Omega-3 fatty acids

#3: Get Quality Sleep

Adequate sleep is crucial for mental health and a well-functioning immune system. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night.

Here are a few ways to improve your sleep habits:

  • Establish a regular sleep schedule

  • Create a conducive sleep environment; and

  • Practice relaxation techniques before bed

#4: Be Social

Social connections may play a significant role in mental well-being.

Here are some ways to be social:

  • Join a club.

  • Take a class.

  • Volunteer in your free time.

  • Get to know your neighbors.

  • Get involved in community outreach.

  • Spend more time with family.

Engaging in positive social interactions may reduce feelings of loneliness and boost mood, indirectly supporting immune function.

#5: Educate Yourself

Educating yourself about how mental health affects immune system function can empower you to take better care of your overall well-being.

Here's how you can go about it:

  • Read scholarly articles.

  • Enroll in online courses.

  • Attend webinars and workshops.

  • Consult mental health professionals.

  • Join support groups.

  • Follow experts on social media.

  • Engage in self-reflection.

Staying open to new information and seeking guidance from reputable sources is essential. Always verify the credibility of the sources you use to ensure you're getting accurate and reliable information.

#6: Meditate and Practice Breathwork

Chronic stress negatively impacts both mental health and the immune system.

Engage in stress-reduction activities such as:

  • Meditation

  • Deep breathing

  • Mindfulness; and

  • Progressive muscle relaxation

These practices may help regulate stress hormones and promote immune health.

Good Bitters: Kalm Drops and Coaching for a Balanced Life

Kalm Drops by Good Bitters were formulated to help provide balance and resiliency to those looking to improve their mental health.

Made with the silk tassel herb, Kalm Drops may provide benefits, such as:

  • Relaxation

  • Improved focus

  • Reduced tension

  • Pain relief

Kalm Drops may also help to balance sugar cravings, leading to an improved diet that supports mental health and immune system function.

Good Bitters is focused on a holistic approach to health and well-being and offers coaching to anyone interested in supplementing their wellness journey.

For more information, contact us today.

The content in this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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